Laura Beadle
Solution Focused HypnotherapistHelping you channel your full potential
Public Speaking
Public Speaking
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus malesuada nibh quam. A congue ante ultricies sit amet. Maecenas ante mauris, placerat in pretium non, sagittis a leo. Nulla feugiat ipsum facilisis finibus ornare. Donec placerat bibendum purus ac volutpat. Maecenas ligula nisi, mollis ac nulla et, sagittis lobortis erat. Vestibulum rutrum at quam vitae consectetur. Suspendisse ullamcorper hendrerit turpis, ac cursus eros lacinia at.
If you have a fear of public speaking, and you would like help, I can help you. Perhaps you’ve an important presentation for work to deliver, or a wedding speech for a magical wedding, or some other kind of other talk / speech you need to do, we can work together in restoring your confidence.
I’ll explain how the brain works, how we can overcome the fear. We will also spend time rehearsing the situation, in your imagination, goes well for you. Then using hypnosis, that experience would be reinforced, And in this way positive change will have begun and a new behavioural pattern will have started to form. From then on, the more it’s reinforced the more it becomes the new normal, helping to build your confidence.
Anxiety and excitement are two sides of the same coin; both are fuelled by adrenaline. And any performer will tell you that in order for their performance to feel alive and meaningful they need that feeling before they go on stage. Without it, their performance will lack something. But this beneficial raising of the stakes can sometimes cause fears and doubts; leading to self-sabotaging thoughts and lead to performance-related anxiety. This is the same when it comes to public speaking. I’ll show you how you can use that adrenalin to your advantage.
Anxiety is powered by adrenaline to help with the flight response, but so too is excitement. In some instances, (but not all), anxiety is a misinterpretation of that burst of adrenaline. We may in fact have been experiencing thrilling, life-affirming excitement instead.
But if we’re not sure why we’ve felt a burst of adrenalin, and have no reason to feel excited, it seems natural enough to interpret the feeling as anxiety.
It’s possible that your mind is preparing you for change. And change, as you can imagine, is potentially exciting. Change can also be anxiety-inducing if you’re uncertain or it’s unknown where that change might lead you. In a way, anxiety is a bi-product of our lives not being predictable and pre-determined.
If we knew in advance about every event that was going to happen throughout our lives, there’d be no nourishment for our anxiety.
Featured Publications
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Divi Corner
- Phasellus malesuada nibh quam A congue ante ultricies sit amet Extra Space
- Maecenas ante mauris, placerat in pretium non, sagittis a leo. Bloom Post
- Nulla feugiat ipsum facilisis finibus ornare. Monarch Daily
- Donec placerat bibendum purus ac volutpat. Nexus Magazine
Wellness Book Series
- Part 1 – Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit
- Part 2 – Phasellus malesuada nibh
- Part 3 – Feugiat ipsum facilisis finibus ornare.