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Mind & Body

Depression and Hypnotherapy

Helping you channel your full potentialHypnotherapy and DepressionHypnotherapy and Depression: A Beacon of Hope in the Darkness Depression, a dark cloud that casts a long shadow on our lives, can feel overwhelming and inescapable. But amidst the despair, hope shines...

What is hypnotherapy

Helping you channel your full potentialWhat is Hypnotherapy?What is Hypnotherapy?   As some of you might have seen I qualified as a hypnotherapist back in December 2022. I get quite a few questions about hypnotherapy, so I thought I'd take some time to write a...

What’s the cure for anxiety

Helping you channel your full potentialWhat's the cure for anxietyWhat's the cure for anxiety There is no single "cure" for anxiety, as it is a complex condition with multiple contributing factors. However, there are a number of effective treatments that can help...

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